Commodius Vicus . . .

No editorial, no pontificating, no agenda, no nepotism, no nonsense. Just words.
18. Julian Baker - Thee Microfictions
17. Alan Kelly - Jesus Saved
16. Tony O'Neill - The Heart is a Small, Amputated Thing [redux]
15. Brandon Scott Gorrell - Seven Poems
14. Aimee DeLong - Bleach the whites
13. Melissa Mann - Small White Space
12. Dan Fante - West Hollywood [redux]
11. Niven Govinden - Pub, Pictures
10. Travis Jeppesen - For Jan Jakub KotÃk*: In Memoriam
9. Stuart Evers - What's in Swindon?
8. Zachary German - I'm going to change my clothes a few times
7. Heidi James - We are only humans
6. Tom McCarthy - Agamemnon [redux]
5. Kendra Grant Malone - Some Poems
4. Steve Finbow - Reading Instructions
3. Ben Myers - The Missing Kidney [extract]
2. Chris Killen - One X One
1. Will Ashon - Cops